

多謝各界擁約的支持, 我們的2009賀年武林大會在三個星期內已經售出大部份的的票, 而且抱歉很多朋友買不到票.




當天將會由少林武僧表演多項拳、棍、刀、鞭等少林武術,周身開棍、頭開鋼板、飛針穿玻璃等少林功夫, 還更特別為大家簡述少林功夫的重點和技考.




此外, 我們更將會加插古筝、二胡及由兩位名音樂家呂珊老師和冯金铨老師領唱,同時即場配合武術及舞蹈的表演(將武術、舞蹈和音樂溶為一體,同步同時演出)。提高氣氛,使節目更加豐富。





Text Box: 地點: 	Walter Baker Sports Centre, 
 	100 Malvern, Barrhaven,  Hall A & B

日期: 	2009年1月25日 (星期日 )

時間: 	下午 3:00

票價: 	只收$10, 包與少林武僧合照相片
	兩張 (4”x6”)
 	機會難得,  欲購從速, 售完即止

We thank you for the overwhelming in supporting our 2009 Martial Arts Gala.  We are glad to announce that we have sold most the tickets within 3 weeks.  We also regret that many people did not have an opportunity to purchase tickets before they sold out.  In order to appreciate your support, we are pleased to prepare a Shaolin Monk reception for you.

During this Shaolin Monk reception, the Shaolin Monks will be doing martial arts performances, including feats such as throwing needles through thick glass; break steel plates with heads and breaking various objects using their bodies.

In addition to the Monk’s demonstration, they will also briefly introduce techniques about Shaolin wushu.  You will also have an opportunity to talk to the monks in person as well as taking pictures with them.

Light refreshments will be served.

Text Box: Location:	Walter Baker Sports Centre, 
		100 Malvern, Barrhaven, 
		Hall A & B
Date:		January 25, 2009 (Sunday)
Time:		3:00pm
Ticket:		$10, including two 4” x 6” pictures
		with the monks
Dress code:	Casual

[賀年武林大會] [下午茶招待會] 的特點



武林大會地點是在設備齊全的加爾頓大學戲院, 客人對號入座舒適的座位, 配以專業的燈光和聲響效果.


武林大會以功夫為主題, 除了由聞名中外的少林武僧表演多項少林武術之外,還間優秀的武術學校, 包括中國武術、韓國跆拳道、日本合氣道、日本空手道 和鐵甲西洋劍。







招待會地點是在 Barrhaven Walter Baker Sports Centre 禮堂, 較為隨便, 並無對號入座


招待會以綜合節目為主題, 除了由聞名中外的少林武僧表演多項少林武術之外, 還有武術、舞蹈和音樂, (並將武術、舞蹈和音樂溶為一體,同步同時演出)


招待會特點是好朋友大家可以新年期間親切的互相拜年免費吃小點品茶看節目 照相片等

